onsdag 6 november 2013


Yesterday was the "big day" for this course. It was a tight fit but we made it work. The whole party was a successes, everyone seemed to have a good time and enjoy playing the different games that was there. Even though I had have much to little sleep I felt positive with what we had produced. The response was mostly positive and playing it myself and watching others try it out made it feel valid. Sure there are problems with the game but the group is aware of them and with more time those issues would be looked at. As for now though, we are happy with what we got and with the time restrain that we had on us.

The night before the "big day" most of he group was up all night trying to get the final touches done. The rules were defined clearly in words and some graphics was added to replace some of the placeholders that we had back then. This was not necessary for the functionality of the game itself but I think pushing for the little extra sure made the experience more fun and immersive.