lördag 19 oktober 2013

Developing Boardgames Assignment

I am half through the course "Advanced Gamedesign" and it is going well. I am growing as a designer and I am developing a bigger understanding of how the process of creating games works. Through this course we have so far been analyzing boardgames and picking them apart to define its different systems.

During the past week I and my group of four have begun creating our own board game. It is going well but not without its snags. We are so far keeping it simple and are focusing on its systems and making sure they are working well. We had at the end of the week a play-testing session with two other groups. These testings served as a way to see how well our systems worked and how well our aesthetics is readable through the gameplay.

I have my concerns, there is something that is not appealing enough, at least not for me. If this is only my personal taste that conflicts with what we have or if there is something missing remains unknown. I have a preference for simplicity and I think that is what is not working here. If the core is broken, adding more systems will not fix it.

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