söndag 4 maj 2014

BGP: Week Five

This week have been really slow on my part, before I was frustrated with where the overall development were going and much focus went on trying to puzzle all that together. When we finally had enough groundwork done to put all graphical attention on drawing illustrations for the cards I was excited, this was what seemed appealing when I signed up to this project. Now, unfortunately things haven't gone as I want and I am getting behind on my work, it is not that I am not putting in enough time quite the opposite. The problem routes down to my own expectations on myself. They are far to high and I know that, still I seem unable to get over it. I feel bad for holding the project back.

So far I've tried my luck on five different card illustrations with only one making it to finish and even that one is getting a remake. Frustration and stress is not helping and with a episode of food poisoning my energy level is not at its highest. Apart from all this i did manage to create a first draft for our logo this week.  

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